Words from the Magnetic Wall
Rust and Roses Our love is forever new and as ancient as the universe. More solid than the earth and as free as a summer breeze dancing with a feather. We are rust and roses, our love forever entwined in creation and destruction. Locked in an embrace stronger than any gravity. Valentines day 2010 Inspired by a photo from Michelle Cataldo Ole Leather box of chains in one hand, a glass of orange juice in the other, I step off the cliff and fall toward the bay remember riding bicycles in the snow and swallowing the sun Ole 42nd Street, 6/18/07 The black man in the yellow parka stands against the wrought iron fence, arms outstreched face barely visible in the twilight a bag of clothing at his feet. he stands on 42nd street like a parody of the cruci-fiction A few steps away another man sits on a planter he lifts the invisible head of his enemy pumelling him in the face... this continues, he's stuck in a loop over and over he assaults the foe of his delusions. We wander the crowded streets filled with guarded life each closed off, a world unto ourselves afraid we're life, we're lies we're joy, we're pain, we're (in)sane Amongst friends now in this bare ruin'd cathedral of humanity, drinking in the safe love, the water we thirst for... we continue on the river opening closed doors striving to be new again. This folded reality turns on itself the goal touches the starting point Love Flattened The hoppy toad once full of love once full of life lies flattened and dried on the road run over by a tangible (to it) invisible force its mummified remains blow away in the wind are a reminder of fleeting moments once full of love once full of life. What invisible forces flatten our lives and leave our souls dried and mummified leaving us at the mercy of the winds? Ressurrection of the Magi The magi awakes, leaving her tomb, her womb upon the hill of Chronos Her veiled face protects the sacred fire Gliding forward over the hot coals she stops, peers into the heart of the fire and sees the birth of the unconquered sun. Enchantments from the distant past echo in her mind filled with promise and mystery Once revered, then despised She begins the voyage, rekindling the lost wisdom that led her forebearers journey to the light of mankind. She kisses the sun, is consumed briefly by the fire, swimming in heavens revelations, watching as light triumph over darkness. The black river is transformed From the endless stream of death and torment into the endless life giving fountain. Charon stops his endless toil, transforms into a luminous sphere, and is lifted to the moon, joining it in an eternal embrace. The window on eternity has become transparent again. Spin The sad worried eyes Stare transfixed upon the spinning rings Interlocked and moving with a subsonic hum Crystal chimes sound when they touch forming and releasing new possibilities The rings of fate continue to spin His raised hand, in a blessing Sends out waves of chance, Colliding with strings of time Creating random symphonies of life, moving in lush rhythms Ascending into the violent serenity of chaos His strained face, covered by the living moko Reflect's the insistent and maddening songs of the muses Eternally demanding his vigilance Their constant cravings never ceasing He questions the overwhelming responsibility of movement, Of creativity, of dancing in the moment Of giving birth And letting go The rings continue to spin Juggling Nirvana In silence The mime moves the balls in the air Careful not to falter lest one falls, Cracking Shattering a million dreams His focus turned inward While watching outward Spiral within spiral Love within love Peace within peace He find stillness in motion Wind and Water We dream of castles in the sky, while like water wanting to cross the desert we neglect to see the answer in the wind, imprisoned by our own perception of what is. Blind Sight Surrounded by the warmth of darkness we lay embracing, feeling each others breaths From the silence the small sound of a music box begins to play With eyes unopened I look for the source expecting, against logic, to spy small ethereal figures dancing in spirals around the room I can see them thru closed eyes They are gone when the veils are lifted. Apostate of the Heart The apostate of the heart sits patiently watching the porcelain steeping tea and oranges No more crusaders descending from the sky only the wisdom of butterflies wandering in search of the wind and standing guard against ghosts she is a spiritual voyeur awaiting a soul tremor an earthquake that will open the door to reveal a paradise already ours? Light & Darkness light spins, spins, spins chasing the unknown until an unseen hand opens the door releasing pent up ardor in explosive sounds of joy darkness looks on anxious and bewildered waiting for the opening to slide thru the door and strike his prey in mid exaltation it is not hatred or jealousy fueling such actions but the need to play one with the other light and darkness are playful dogs howling in delight Hymn pressed light held hot turns the cause of love into joy, sound and hope. lip writers dance darkness away from monuments to future wars chanting the thousand names of love making the frost road shiver and sunbeams shatter cold clouds we wander in search of the wind stand guard against ghosts and the winter of the soul gone are the monsters in name, and the endless killings now we see their humanity and our humility. we hold their pale souls in arms clad in moonlight Time Changes time has been altered again shifting seconds, minutes, hours in the middle of the night when our eyes are closed and all things are real we will live ahead of time although it’s an old relative Living moment to moment nine mirrors, nine mountains nine months break the seal I unwrap the cotton cocoon. dreams of lust lizards still linger a pleasant fullness smiles while the vessel empties a spiraling clockwise reel Hot water falls over cold flesh falling like drunks in back alleys, bartering with old beggars for the end of pain, and all things will heal Yesterday Just after sunrise the boys did their usual shake that head show um whose boss I'll get you you dirty rat while conversely the little sheep bounces wrapping me up in his favorite lead a hard frost last night. I watched as the Catalpa tree drop all its leaves hundreds floating to the ground fluttering ghostlike time to feed the web mind give it more pictures more info some stories more synapses created the sentinels stand guard waiting for critical mass for sentience a friend needs the inside outside Michelangelo's dream for the quiet man, will this be my Mona Lisa hell? take a drive visit things from the past shattered remnants of better days hush, hush old horse you have been rescued from oblivion your smiling Roosevelt teeth will make others laugh your missing mane will be restored to its former glory love bears the fruit of love homeward bound again a flock of sparrows rise from their resting place rising into the sky forming a heart seeming to pulse while moving thru the sky. a seductive song for the mind passes too quickly and I recall the dream of nine mountains wondering if I got the meaning right lost friend speaking or wishful thinking my love has completed the race art has blossomed again night became her passionate friend why do words come easier in the dark Out for Italian food mmmmmm mmmmmm good why is everything that taste good fattening God's little joke I suppose and a raspberitini that tastes like Vicks cough syrup good thing I have a cold I'm not too disappointed time to relax mindless entertainment mutant elves dance and the boys play with bones switching places Deciding which is better reality folds turning in on itself again A man hears thunder 550 miles away and a fly sounds like a waterfall flashes of light and the vision reveals advancing technologies hold your breath lovely Nikola my feet are cold need another blanket strange dreams friends and lovers there then not on a porch of a cabin in Tennessee hello Jed welcome home must have been the martini I should know better A Rose in Winter Steel gray air bites the skin freezing moisture to crystalline gently lifted they expirate beyond reach of mortals and fates a rose, its bloom caressed by snows hot pink remembrances of loves past, and future, remembered in faux the wind blows a soft s, holding close the velvet sound of softness a miracle of misjudgment reaching for the sky caressing the harsh winter sun as frozen fairies cling to an eternal hope forever yearning a single-minded purpose to expose the beauty that lies beneath We are all roses in winter. The Visitation Trying to believe you are real or a waking dream you touched my cheek stirring me from sleep seeing you thru closed eyes floating on love a vision of white spirit without flesh you say all is forgiven but your lips and tongue do not move I'm frightened but awash in the love the healing begins no need to return Inverted Heart The inverted heart consumes itself with passion, it burns the skin and feeds the soul, the ember, now silent & cold awaits another chance for life Brick Eyes Brick eyes in a line silent and calm reflect the closing song of dancing feathers lilting on sweet scented air A leg draped casually over a knee book in hand he writes in non-metered verse about closeness and solitude smiling sometimes Requiem for Barbed Wire Time has come to be free from the constant piercings, The dark matter constraints are no longer needed to remind us of our sins. The rusted blood from centuries has dulled the sharpness. Free of numbness of pain. It's time for us to fly. The River Why In a Faustian dream I stand between the abyss and redemption before me the mist concealed crags harbor floating wise men waiting with answers that are riddles layered meanings waiting for the right moment of questioning below the river Why flows from eternity to infinity answers hovering in the mist above waiting to fall like rain back to the source answers beget questions questions beget answer Sentinel of the Night I watch with cowled eyes the velvet darkness,, listening to the night. In the distance a lone bird cries, breaking the silence. Clouds move slowly across the face of the moon and like a lover removing a diaphanous gown reveals her glowing skin. The wind sweeps across the plain caressing the grass with its soft sound, and the shafts bend and sway opening to embrace the gentle pressure of its breath All is quiet now yet i see the beginning of the coming attack it’s fiery portent glowing below the horizon. Soon the endless battle will begin again the heat will scorch the evening solitude and drive the shadows into the ground The meek have retired, silencing their bodies lights till the battle is over. It is time to sound the alarm, the tide is turning against us once again We hide our shadows in the sand we hide our still small voice in the shadows We hide and are silent... Until the dusk comes again to our rescue and evening triumphs so we can live free again You’re Shrinking Brain I remember... the way you held me tight more than just bodies joined, souls touching, becoming one I remember... watching you unwrap gifts so slowly and carefully with that laugh sparkling in your eyes I remember... you blowing smoke out your mouth and sucking it back in a crazy eternal circular motion I remember... the devilish look the deep laughter the gentle touch the endless wonder I remember... you starting to fade bit by bit the sharp thoughts replaced by helpless obsession I remember... you whispering "I used to be a good man" knowing the journey you were on no one returns from I see you know lying naked in a hospital bed arms outstretched reaching for your first lovers embrace you're shrinking brain has robbed me of my love left me broken and crying wondering where you are Your body is still here but the little deaths have taken you a bit every day. I watch death in an endless loop I remember for both of us now I see for both of us now I feel I love I weep For both of us now that you are gone Upon Awakening I awoke with the sun to the sound of harps I could feel the blood in my veins flowing calling me back from sleep reality. I stumble into the bathroom, look in the mirror, and with bleary eyes gaze upon... a bubble puppy in a tree wearing a turbot? It's white eyes eerily staring out like he had an axe to grind He called for a supply of wood and a stove to burn it in to stave off the primitive fear of cold The silvered glass shatters and the waking dream fades to the everyday White tiles, and faux painted walls a shower, a toothbrush, hot water running over naked skin Ugh Sibling Rivalry The trinity of religions Judaism Christianity Islam all conceived from the same seed battle each other for supremacy in the eyes of their father. Sibling rivalry for spiritual attention. Pick me, no, Pick me, no Pick me. Zero’s and One’s Black and White We seek truth in absolutes When in reality it exists most clearly in shades of grey and in the billions of color and hues of endless variation Can truth be found thru exclusion? Does the mystic hermit see the whole tapestry? Or just a thread? The eye of creation is infinite in its' faceting The whole is the sum of its parts multiplied by infinity divided by eternity and bonded by chaos into an astounding perpetual dance of change we are more than Zeros and Ones The constant reduction of life to the smallest fraction eventually leaves nothing but burnt and stinking remains of the rich soup. Life giving reduced to ashes Even in love we fold into ourselves instead of embracing each other. We love in duets when we could love in symphonies we sing solo when we could be part of a magnificent chorus We love only ourselves giving only for our own pleasure and call ourselves noble while we starve for unity, the longing for love inseparable. Betrayal delights in the denial of love. We betray ourselves daily with constant criticism We should We could We can't We deny the world of our love because we see only absolutes It's time to give up the notion and embrace each other or we will surely become nothing more than zeros and ones. Short Sleeved Shadows Short sleeved shadows and whispering dogs wander the dark thru urban bogs Ghosts of divinity lay on the ground trodden and weeping for a tarnished crown When will the child full of wonder and fear be released from its prison we’ve built all these years. Inside men are women and in women are men deny them with laughter and away with them send To cold loveless castles made of chocolate and steel bastions ‘gainst surrender so we don’t have to feel In fog ridden evenings I ponder these things And cry for us all who no longer have wings. __________ We watch in raw beauty a sweet and elaborate play, our tongues powerless to tell. __________ The banquet that is you lives in my heart untouched by fading memories still hot with mysteries this love cannot fade even when coerced by age my love circles you like the earth ‘round the sun we live in the ecliptic now forever in orbit a hymn that is our vow __________ I dream of crimson moons covered with delicate moss fed by tiny glass fingers whose soft graceful gestures release shining tongues of frozen flame __________ I touch the water of a distant shore it is a familiar stranger carrying images of times & places not known seagulls fill the empty sky their sweet sad songs eternal I dream of you by my side __________ Exhausted we fall Into the cradle moon’s sweet embrace __________ Water trickles from the fountain... I turn the pages of a book pondering sonnets and watch the sun leave diamond dust in your hair it’s warmth soothing causing my eyes to close accepting the embrace a pattern emerges, fades yet lingers like a disappearing sigh a single oboe in the distance recalling pastoral scenes of a simpler, quieter time A sharp sound brings me back Water trickles from the fountain. __________ Think beneath the moment __________ Still wind can rob a delirious chant __________ Floods of lazy sea rain drunk with lake milk produce luscious visions recalling spring clouds, summer sausages and a delicate symphony of two thousand rusted fiddles fingering shadow music under the moonlight __________ They worship a lie skin & bare lust smeared with honey part the smooth dream and sing in syncopated time picture a cool life not bitter aches from forests of want please __________ Would cars stare or drive chains boil with fullness as shiny apparatus enormously frantic heave together as no juice is felt in the void __________ I ask fall ing on those suited for storm did these iron knives, gorgeous and repulsive want sky meat need screaming like a mad red black death? __________ Mother is girl through woman like water to winter egg their true gift (language) yet they trudge in sun dresses use fast take-out smell to stop crying __________ She near you licking sweat cooked and beaten to lather a long night of love __________ you were gone from I from you returning only after running through some essential shadows seeing them through mists of sadness lighting them in the yellow hot light of mid day some to leave others staying flattened no longer controlling __________ his butt like a winter storm did blow __________ A bitter aesthetic beats time as I head from lights recall cold visions under a frosted lake __________ Sea foam crashes over vivid moss an overcast day brings out worshippers, in the sand they call to the sea in songs barely audible echoing the seagull cry private and moving __________ In every heart a darkness lurks In every heart a a seed of love In every heart unbounded grace In every heart a thousand suns In every heart an empty vessel In every heart a curious face In every heart a fragrant petal In every heart a question lingers In every heart an answer fingers a tune on heart strings, soft and low __________ The face on the medical bag sticks out its tongue with a curious silly smile a mirror reflects a closed door the gently curving bench cradles a long cylindrical pillow still indented from its last use Points of interest like triggers to the nerve sound, answers to unasked questions Songs of Patroclus It seems we have waited an eternity, Our whole lives, to be complete and full We embrace with our eyes Gazing into each others depths Falling ever deeper into love’s endless well. We touch, you are my sun, my Apollo, skin aglow & pulsing, your flaming arrow piercing my heart, igniting my soul with a passion that is hotter than any magma They say love consumes, does it? Or does it expand us, beyond mortality, Beyond reason, and it’s poor powers to explain life, Connecting us eternally Beyond expectations Beyond Dreams Making Hope a Reality. ______________ Today I met the sun incarnate So bright I was almost consumed In a twinkling of an eye Love has been resurrected Lifted up from boredom’s grave Narrowness of vision Now sees past life’s event horizon into the endless ocean of love ______________ In that one chance moment our hearts and souls bonded never to be separate eternally mingling, our spirits dancing together No distance of space or time will come between us We are together forever ______________ I sink slowly into you my warm salty ocean, diving deep until i touch your hidden treasures. My skin savors the taste of you, your sensuality carrying me to explore new depths of passion. Your seductive sparkling eyes fertilize my deepest desires fueling a wildfire of lust that has been smoldering inside me a lifetime. I fill you with my love as the tide takes us deeper into each other Our bodies and thoughts become entwined in this dance of love, in this timeless moment, where we release into each other filling each other with our essence and are forever bonded in love |
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